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Shower head, faucet and basin are the most commonly used articles in bathroom, but they may be polluted by bath cream, shampoo, soap and other articles after long-term use, here are some cleaning methods.
Scale cleaning is necessary to shower head, take down the mesh enclosure or other parts and wash them by brush. Spray neutral cleaning agent on the soft cloth and wipe the faucet.
Wash the porcelain basin by soft brush or sponge with neutral cleaning agent, cannot directly pour water into it, or the basin will break. As for the embedded basin, pay attention to the dead space in the junction of table bottom and basin. 。

Common problems in the use of sanitary
1. Why does the toughened glass table facet have scratches?
        A. The toughened glass cannot be dragged by ceramic articles during installation and utilization.
        B. Avoid scratching by hard articles, such as: diamond, etc.
2. Why does the water transfer table facet fall off?
       Because the water and dust between bottom paint and glass facet.
3. Why does the painting facet have white spot?
        Because the vacuum layer between paint and glass.
4. How to adjust and tighten the hanging device in the bathroom cabinet
        A. Please don't put table facet and basin on the bathroom cabinet after installation.
        B. There are two decorative covers on the bathroom cabinet, open the decorative covers and tighten the hook bolt.
5. How to repair and adjust the self-absorption?
        A. Whether the drawer cabinet is deformed, whether the spring hanger will break.
        B. There are guide rail regulation hole on the two sides of the drawer.
6. Why the guide rail is not smooth?
        In case of this problem, please set down the drawer guide rail, clean the ball by gasoline, add few engine oil.
7. How to solve the water leakage?
        After the installation of bathroom cabinet, connect a section of hose on the front end of the connecting pipe.
8. Why dose the toilet crack?
        A. Caused by temperature uneven during baking process of the ceramic.
        B. Damaged during transportation or installation.
        C. Frost crack in cold area for low temperature.
9. The not smooth of toilet
        A. S type trap of the sewer line.
        B. Foreign material block the toilet.
        C. Toilet S deformation.
        D. The customer change drainage pipe by himself.

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Add: No.21, Dianjin Street, Yingdu Town, Nan’an City, Fujian Province, China         Contact: Manager Huang         Mobile: +86-18250430801
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